Behind this program are three partners who, synergistically, each from their own domain, contribute to its development and realization. Previous successful cooperation on numerous socially responsible projects, the most popular of which is "Boranka", is a guarantee for the success of this project as well.

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HEARTH thinking&doing

HEARTH thinking&doing is a company founded with the aim of implementing the CO2MPENSATING BY PLANTING program and other programs related to positive effects on nature and society. In addition to the afore mentioned program, the company deals with the design and implementation of non-profit campaigns and campaigns in the field of socially responsible business that will primarily benefit the environment and the community.The founders of the company are true nature enthusiasts and renowned and award-winning experts in the field of marketing, design and project management. They are the creators of the "Boranka" campaign, the most awarded non-profit campaign in Croatia and the entire region.

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The Scout Association of Croatia

The Scout Association of Croatia is the largest organization for children and youth in Croatia and the largest volunteer organization in the country. Volunteers of The Scout Association of Croatia contribute over 300,000 volunteer hours to the community each year, which accounts for 10% of all volunteer hours performed in Croatia. The Scout Association of Croatia is also an integral part of the global Scout family, which is the largest organization for children and youth worldwide, with more than 50 million active members across the globe.

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Hrvatske šume (Croatian Forests)

Hrvatske Šume d.o.o. (Croatian Forests) is a company responsible for managing forests and forest land owned by the Republic of Croatia. Forests hold significant value and serve essential utility functions, including the direct economic benefits derived from wood production, which positively impact people's lives. Consequently, forests in Croatia receive special state protection due to their importance. The mission and goals of Hrvatske Šume d.o.o. revolve around ensuring the best and highest quality management of this entrusted resource in the long term. To achieve this, the company strives to meet the wishes, needs, and expectations of various stakeholders, including the state as the owner, buyers, woodworkers, suppliers, employees, local self-governments, and the general public. Forest management in Croatia adheres to the principle of sustainability, a practice that has been in place for over two and a half centuries. Sustainability entails harvesting less wood mass from the forest than it naturally grows, ensuring the forest's survival and preserving its natural balance. Given the current global climate change situation, forests have become increasingly critical in mitigating the effects of climate change.